With reductions in renewable energy prices and increases in national power tariffs, municipalities are facing pressure to integrate options such as embedded rooftop solar PV or wind generators into their networks. Landfill and sewage methane for electricity generation are also potentially viable renewable energy options.

Renewable Energy

With reductions in renewable energy prices and increases in national power tariffs, municipalities are facing pressure to integrate options such as embedded rooftop solar PV or wind generators into their networks. Landfill and sewage methane for electricity generation are also potentially viable renewable energy options.




AMEU SALGA: Requirements for Small-Scale Embedded Generation

Sets out what the municipality requires in terms of SSEG to be connected to their networks, including what is and is not allowed, the standards and specifications to be complied with, and the application process to be followed.  SSEG installers and prospective customers should familiarise themselves with this document prior to submitting applications (Feb, 2021).


Cape Town SWH Programme Lessons Learnt 11-14 (Cape Town)

These four amalgamated solar water heater (SWH) Programme documents provide: (1) a code of conduct for service providers accredited under Cape Town’s Residential SWH Accreditation Programme (2) a service agreement between the City and the Plumbing Industry Registration Board to assist in monitoring the standards of SWHs installed by Accredited Service Providers (3) a professional services agreement between the City and the Western Cape Approved Electrical Inspection Authority, and (4) a pre-launch briefing for potential applicants to Cape Town’s Residential SWH Accreditation Programme.


SSEG Guide for Municipal Distributors

This document describes how municipal distributors can adjust to a future where SSEG is a more significant part of their network. It starts by outlining the high-level institutional and operational

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State of Energy in South African Cities 2020

This 4th edition of the Report features 20 of South Africa’s most energy intensive cities and towns and tracks energy use in cities since 2007, presenting emerging trends in energy efficiency and renewable energy uptake, and examines the governance of transition. (SEA, 2020).


Safe and Legal Installations of Rooftop PV in Cape Town

This document provides guidelines on how to install rooftop solar PV safely and legally, including information on how to decide on the type of system installed, how to select a service provider and the key requirements for installation. (City of Cape Town, 2020)


Strategies to increase the deployment of distributed renewables in Sub-Saharan African cities

Strategies to increase the deployment of distributed renewables in Sub-Saharan African cities This guide aims to help city governments in Sub-Saharan Africa to implement policies and actions that will increase the use of distributed renewables across their jurisdictions. It highlights the barriers to deploying distributed renewables and offers strategies to overcome these barriers, supported by case studies showcasing successful initiatives. (C40 and SEA, 2020)
