City of Johannesburg climate action tracking and stakeholder engagement framework
An overview of the approach taken in generating a climate action indicator framework
953 KBDownloadCity of Ekurhuleni Green City Action Plan
The Green City Action Plan was developed as part of IFC’s wider engagement
7.1MBDownloadTechnical Handbook: Issuing Municipal Sustainable Bonds in South Africa
A handbook developed by GIZ and UNEP to assist South African municipalities on
3 MBDownloadTomorrow Cities
This thought-provoking video describes the state of South Africa’s cities including energy, transport
The Local Government Climate Change Support Programme in South Africa
This case study aims to capture the practical experiences of the support programme
2 MBDownloadSustainable Energy and Climate Change in Municipal IDPS 2017-2018
This report documents the results of a study to determine how many municipalities have incorporated sustainable energy and climate change elements and themes into their planning (Roberts and Mahlangu, 2018).
8.33mbDownloadTshwane Climate Response Strategy 2017
Tshwane Climate Response Strategy 2017 This strategy was drafted preceding the selection of Tshwane as part of the C40 Climate Action Planning programme; hence it was published in recognition of stakeholder consultation to date, but will be reviewed in order to align with the C40 Climate Action Planning Framework. (Tshwane, 2018)
1.32mbDownloadPolokwane Green Goal Energy Strategy Update and Implementation Plan 2016
The intention of the strategy is to provide a sound statistical basis from which to design a strategy that talks to the municipality’s commitment, as expressed in its mission statement, to innovation and sustainable development (including carbon emissions reduction and economic development) and its energy vision of reliable, safe and affordable energy services for all (SEA, 2016).
2.25mbDownloadTshwane Sustainable Energy Framework: Suggested Strategies and Actions to Pursue a Sustainable Energy Future
This document builds upon the following reports: Tshwane State of Energy Report and Tshwane Energy Futures Report. Based on these reports, this document proposes a detailed strategy to address the challenges and constraints faced by the City (SEA, 2016).
1.26mbDownloadEnergy Scenarios for Urban South Africa: Exploring the implications of alternative energy futures up to 2050
Energy and emissions future scenarios were modelled for urban South Africa, based on energy data from 27 of the most highly urbanised municipalities in the country. The scenario modelling highlighted the largest emissions sources and energy-consuming sectors, and identified the mitigation measures that would have the most impact with regards to reducing energy consumption and emissions production. (SEA, 2016)