With reductions in renewable energy prices and increases in national power tariffs, municipalities are facing pressure to integrate options such as embedded rooftop solar PV or wind generators into their networks. Landfill and sewage methane for electricity generation are also potentially viable renewable energy options.

Renewable Energy

With reductions in renewable energy prices and increases in national power tariffs, municipalities are facing pressure to integrate options such as embedded rooftop solar PV or wind generators into their networks. Landfill and sewage methane for electricity generation are also potentially viable renewable energy options.




Sustainable Energy Solutions for South African Local Government: A Practical Guide

This is the third iteration of a practical how-to handbook for local municipalities on the roll-out of sustainable energy measures. The first section focuses on governance and legislation (e.g. mandates, green procurement, institutionalising of sustainable energy concerns, etc.); the second on municipal sustainable energy initiatives (e.g. solar water heating, efficient buildings, sustainable transport, etc.); and the third on macro developments (e.g. smart grids, concentrated solar, ocean energy, etc.). Interactive icons assist in skipping between chapters. (SEA, 2017)


New Roles for South African Municipalities in Renewable Energy: A Review of Business Models (Discussion Paper)

This report reviews possible business models for South African municipalities to seize arising opportunities and minimise potential risks associated with the introduction of renewable energy technologies in the domestic electricity system. It proposes a typology of available business models for municipalities to seize emerging opportunities arising from renewable energy technologies. (GIZ, 2017)


GIZ SALGA SSEG Impact Model Guidelines

The model can assist municipalities in analysing the impact of proposed SSEG tariffs on revenue and attractiveness for solar PV customers. The model generates the impact of SSEG tariffs for different uptake rates on municipal revenue and value of solar (avoided costs) for a given set of SSEG tariffs and determines if a business case exists for the PV customer (Felet, Knight, & Mahlalela, 2017)


GIZ SALGA Small-Scale Embedded Generation Impact: Model

This is an excel-based tool that calculates how municipal revenue is impacted by customers installing solar PV, as well as the business case for customers that install solar PV. The spreadsheet has 2017 Tshwane data included as an illustration, but should be updated for the particular municipality in question before use (Genesis, SALGA & GIZ, 2017).


SWH vs. Conventional Geyser Cost Benefit Analysis: Spreadsheet Tool

This spreadsheet tool allows for the comparison of capital and operating costs of a solar water heater and conventional geyser for either a cash purchase or financed case; allowing for the adjustment of variables such as electricity price and price increases, discount rate, finance rate and period, system size and cost, water usage, etc. (Sustainable Energy Africa, 2017)


AMEU SALGA: Contract for Embedded Generation

This is a template contract that clarifies the terms, conditions, rights and obligations of different parties regarding the connection of the customer’s Small-Scale Embedded Generation (SSEG) system to the Municipality electricity grid (SALGA & AMEU, 2017).
