Municipal electricity distributors face a range of challenges in the current fast-changing electricity industry landscape. Amongst these are: accommodating embedded generation, integrating electricity efficiency, increasing informal settlement electrification, adjusting tariffs appropriately, and avoiding damaging revenue loss in the process.

Electricity Services

Municipal electricity distributors face a range of challenges in the current fast-changing electricity industry landscape. Amongst these are: accommodating embedded generation, integrating electricity efficiency, increasing informal settlement electrification, adjusting tariffs appropriately, and avoiding damaging revenue loss in the process.




The Electricity Distribution Industry in Germany and South Africa – A Review of Policy and Regulation (Discussion Paper)

This discussion paper tries to provide a closer look into the fundamental elements that characterize the German and South African energy markets, as well as highlight the challenges that are prevalent in the energy markets of both countries together with the opportunities that can be exploited in the current structures of these energy markets (BBH, Eclareon and SEA, 2018).


SALGA Fact Sheet on Electricity and Energy

This fact sheet provides interesting snippets of information related to electricity and energy in a short “did-you-know” format; covering country context, electricity industry structure, consumption patterns/trends, relevant players and their roles, policy and regulations, among others. (SALGA, 2018)


PV Green Card Brochure for Customers

Provides an overview to customers of the PV Green Card quality assurance programme, the benefits of engaging in this programme if they are considering installing a PV system, as well as how to go about installation. (South African Photovoltaics Industry Association, 2018)


Sustainable Energy Solutions for South African Local Government: A Practical Guide

This is the third iteration of a practical how-to handbook for local municipalities on the roll-out of sustainable energy measures. The first section focuses on governance and legislation (e.g. mandates, green procurement, institutionalising of sustainable energy concerns, etc.); the second on municipal sustainable energy initiatives (e.g. solar water heating, efficient buildings, sustainable transport, etc.); and the third on macro developments (e.g. smart grids, concentrated solar, ocean energy, etc.). Interactive icons assist in skipping between chapters. (SEA, 2017)
