Municipal electricity distributors face a range of challenges in the current fast-changing electricity industry landscape. Amongst these are: accommodating embedded generation, integrating electricity efficiency, increasing informal settlement electrification, adjusting tariffs appropriately, and avoiding damaging revenue loss in the process.
Electricity Services

Municipal electricity distributors face a range of challenges in the current fast-changing electricity industry landscape. Amongst these are: accommodating embedded generation, integrating electricity efficiency, increasing informal settlement electrification, adjusting tariffs appropriately, and avoiding damaging revenue loss in the process.
A System Cost Analysis of Embedded Generation vs Utility-Scale Solar PV
South Africa’s latest integrated resource plan describes a rapid solar photovoltaic (PV) build programme, with 7 gigawatts of new capacity being built by 2030. Virtually all of this capacity will
0.3MBDownloadManaging Electric Vehicle Uptake in the City of Johannesburg
This document unpacks the future impacts of electric vehicles on the City of Johannesburg’s distribution network and explores potential responses to ensure power quality is maintained.
2 MBDownloadThe review of the public-private partnership (PPP) uptake by South African municipalities
This report reviews municipal PPPs and identifies challenges inhibiting its uptake in South Africa.
2 MBDownloadReview of International Non-discriminatory Grid Access and Bilateral Trading Models to Develop Suitable Proposals for Improving the Regulatory Framework in South Africa
This Working Paper provides a summary of the current wheeling framework, key electricity market concepts, a review of the legal/regulatory framework and initial recommendations for options to improve the wheeling
3 MBDownloadVideo: Municipal SSEG Success Stories
This video of hope follows the journey of three municipalities that have embraced small-scale embedded generation, Bitou, Emalahleni and Kouga Local Municipalities (SEA, 2021).
N/ADownloadAMEU SALGA: Small-Scale Embedded Generation Decommissioning Report
Report to be completed on decommissioning of an SSEG system (necessary before a municipality removes the customer from the SSEG tariff) (Feb, 2021).
0.18MbDownloadAMEU SALGA: Small-Scale Embedded Generation Commissioning Report
Report to be completed during the SSEG commissioning process, including checklists and sign-off by authorised personnel.
0.18MbDownloadAMEU SALGA: Requirements for Small-Scale Embedded Generation
Sets out what the municipality requires in terms of SSEG to be connected to their networks, including what is and is not allowed, the standards and specifications to be complied with, and the application process to be followed. SSEG installers and prospective customers should familiarise themselves with this document prior to submitting applications (Feb, 2021).
1.3MbDownloadAMEU SALGA: Application for the Connection of Small-Scale Embedded Generation
This application form is to be filled in by customers / installers wishing to connect all forms of SSEG to the municipal grid. It applies to residential, commercial or industrial customers. It includes customer and site details, as well as SSEG system information necessary to assess the proposed system (Feb, 2021).
0.2MbDownloadSSEG Guide for Municipal Distributors
This document describes how municipal distributors can adjust to a future where SSEG is a more significant part of their network. It starts by outlining the high-level institutional and operational
5 MBDownload