Municipal electricity distributors face a range of challenges in the current fast-changing electricity industry landscape. Amongst these are: accommodating embedded generation, integrating electricity efficiency, increasing informal settlement electrification, adjusting tariffs appropriately, and avoiding damaging revenue loss in the process.
Electricity Services

Municipal electricity distributors face a range of challenges in the current fast-changing electricity industry landscape. Amongst these are: accommodating embedded generation, integrating electricity efficiency, increasing informal settlement electrification, adjusting tariffs appropriately, and avoiding damaging revenue loss in the process.
A Sustainable Grid for All
Presentation by Sustainable Energy Africa on the importance of ensuring that everyone remains connected to a Sustainable Grid that can accommodate various renewable energy forms.
1MBDownloadThe future grid dynamic, smart and efficient
Presentation done by GIZ on an electricity demand management technology that is being piloted in three Western Cape municipalities.
1 MBDownloadSACN Communications Toolkit
Presentation done by South African Cities Network on the toolkit they developed to assist municipalities in developing citizen-centred city brands.
1MBDownloadMunicipal Electricity Tariff Communication Plan
Presentation done by 4Xcellence Solutions on the results of their ‘Status of Electricity Communication in SA municipalities’ survey. The presentation also provides guidance on how municipalities can develop an effective
2MBDownloadGeorge Reinventing the Wheel_Wheeling Case Study
Presentation done by George Local Municipality on their Wheeling Guideline and their approach to tariffs and billing, and the contractual agreements required to address various wheeling scenarios.
1MBDownloadGeorge RE Policy Framework
Presentation done by George Local Municipality on their Renewable Energy Policy Framework.
695KBDownloadEkurhuleni IPP Power Procurement Programme
Presentation done by the City of Ekurhuleni on their IPP Power Procurement Programme, and the lessons that they have learnt along the way.
852KBDownloadCity of Cape Town Communication Campaigns
A presentation done by the City of Cape Town on their Climate Change and SSEG Registration Communication Campaigns.
4MBDownload#Tshwane Ya Tima Presentation
The presentation done by the City of Tshwane on their #Tshwane Ya Tima Campaign which focused on improving electricity revenue collection.
544KBDownloadSALGA Energy Summit declaration 2018
SALGA’s concluding declaration from the 2018 Energy Summit: Defining the Energy Future of Local Government