Cape Town State of Energy and Carbon 2021
The City of Cape Towns State of Energy and Carbon 2021 report. The
8 MBDownloadThe City of Cape Towns State of Energy and Carbon 2021 report. The
8 MBDownloadThis policy briefing explores a City’s response options to enable and manage electric
3 MBDownloadThis RfP template can be used by South African municipalities to appoint service
31 KBDownloadSouth Africa’s latest integrated resource plan describes a rapid solar photovoltaic (PV) build
0.3MBDownloadAn introductory video to the Energy Management Systems and Energy Performance Certificates for
N/ADownloadIn December 2020 Regulations for the mandatory display and submission of Energy Performance
758 KBDownloadAn interactive excel file that supports the development of implementing an Energy Management
28 KBDownloadThis template monitoring tool (spreadsheet) complements your municipality’s action plan to track the
61 KBDownloadThis guide forms part of the Municipal Energy Management Systems programme guideline series
843kbDownloadA guide for municipalities on data management and EPCs in public buildings. Additional
11 MBDownload