This exciting ground-breaking project brings together three South African social movements from different urban locales, supported by two service NGOs to re-construct and implement a campaign that realizes widespread installation and operation of community-led socially owned renewable energy solutions.
The Project
The project represents new ground in locating advocacy for a just transition within the social movements. The goal is to strengthen and enable social movements in South Africa to engage all tiers of government toward realising renewable energy community solutions that can become implemented at scale. Increasingly informed and organised social movement engagement will bolster the demand for local government to develop and implement policies, instruments and delivery modalities that incentivise/enable renewable energy delivery to communities they represent. The project seeks to nurture and support champions within partner movements to engage effectively with local governments, and other actors, towards a just transition that promotes/enables renewable energy solutions.
Project Partnership
The project is a partnership consisting of three community based organisations Vukani Environmental Movement (VEM), Abahlali Base Mjondolo (ABM) and South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA) supported by two service organisations, namely groundWork and Sustainable Energy Africa (SEA) each with more than 20-years’ experience each in campaign and technical support to communities.
Take a look at the Infographic Booklet
Take a look at the UMI ED Feasibility Study Summary