Since 1994 South Africa has introduced many laudable and strong pro-poor policies, notably an impressive electrification and housing programme. We are now 87% electrified compared to 36% in 1996. Despite this, we have not reached the goal of universal access. If the country is to achieve a reduction in energy poverty and reach its goal of 100% electrification, policy and regulatory frameworks, and resources to support energy service delivery and implementation, need to be reviewed.

Energy Access

Since 1994 South Africa has introduced many laudable and strong pro-poor policies, notably an impressive electrification and housing programme. We are now 87% electrified compared to 36% in 1996. Despite this, we have not reached the goal of universal access. If the country is to achieve a reduction in energy poverty and reach its goal of 100% electrification, policy and regulatory frameworks, and resources to support energy service delivery and implementation, need to be reviewed.




Low and Mid-Income Grid-Connected Solar PV Approaches: Presentation

Presents the background case study assessments, socio-economic profiling, and financial cost-benefit analyses undertaken as part of the feasibility study regarding Small Scale Embedded Generation (SSEG) rollout in the mid- and low-income household sector in South Africa. Note: more detailed slides and a spreadsheet model used to perform the financial feasibility analyses are available on request. (Funded by GIZ, undertaken by Urban Econ, Sustainable Energy Africa, and Sustainability Institute Innovation Lab, 2018).


Sustainable Energy Solutions for South African Local Government: A Practical Guide

This is the third iteration of a practical how-to handbook for local municipalities on the roll-out of sustainable energy measures. The first section focuses on governance and legislation (e.g. mandates, green procurement, institutionalising of sustainable energy concerns, etc.); the second on municipal sustainable energy initiatives (e.g. solar water heating, efficient buildings, sustainable transport, etc.); and the third on macro developments (e.g. smart grids, concentrated solar, ocean energy, etc.). Interactive icons assist in skipping between chapters. (SEA, 2017)


Energy Poverty and Gender in Urban South Africa

This report presents an update on the current state of energy poverty in South African cities and a follow-up to the report ‘Tackling Urban Energy Poverty in South Africa’ published in 2014. It aims to develop suitable gender-sensitive energy solutions for urban municipalities. Part A addresses factors influencing energy poverty and Part B reviews the impact of pro-poor energy policies. (Sustainable Energy Africa, 2017)


Alternative Household Energy Technologies: An Overview

This booklet briefly examines alternative energy technologies and associated energy sources available in the market that are cleaner, appropriate, applicable and sustainable relative to those that are currently available and used by informal households for their domestic energy requirements. (Sustainable Energy Africa, 2016)
