Cities are playing a vital role in the global response to climate change by curbing their greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the effects of a changing climate. Local governments are central to these efforts. Climate action plans are comprehensive roadmaps translating cities’ efforts into specific activities in order to achieve sustainable and low greenhouse gas emissions development. This includes climate adaptation actions and ensuring access to clean, secure and affordable energy.

Climate Action Planning

Cities are playing a vital role in the global response to climate change by curbing their greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the effects of a changing climate. Local governments are central to these efforts. Climate action plans are comprehensive roadmaps translating cities’ efforts into specific activities in order to achieve sustainable and low greenhouse gas emissions development. This includes climate adaptation actions and ensuring access to clean, secure and affordable energy.




Sustainable Energy Solutions for South African Local Government: A Practical Guide

This is the third iteration of a practical how-to handbook for local municipalities on the roll-out of sustainable energy measures. The first section focuses on governance and legislation (e.g. mandates, green procurement, institutionalising of sustainable energy concerns, etc.); the second on municipal sustainable energy initiatives (e.g. solar water heating, efficient buildings, sustainable transport, etc.); and the third on macro developments (e.g. smart grids, concentrated solar, ocean energy, etc.). Interactive icons assist in skipping between chapters. (SEA, 2017)


What Role can African Cities Play in Low-Carbon Development? A Multilevel Governance Perspective of Ghana, Uganda and South Africa

This study examined the potential for African cities to proactively govern climate change mitigation by exploring the constraints and enablers of local governance institutional structures in three smaller cities: Jinja in Uganda, Ga East in Ghana and Polokwane in South Africa. In Uganda and Ghana, uneven progress with implementing decentralisation reforms greatly limits local government action, while South Africa’s highly devolved governance structure and supportive national frameworks assist with greater local governance of low-carbon development. Systemic capacity and resource constraints within municipalities suggest a more collaborative mode of climate governance is required in African cities. (Louise Tait; Megan Euston-Brown)


Tshwane State of Energy Report

This report presents an overview of the City of Tshwane’s energy profile, and assesses the municipal revenue impact of current and future energy-related factors. It provides a foundation for further analysis of the energy future of the city, and associated sustainable energy strategy development (SEA, 2016).


Polokwane Green Goal Energy Strategy Update and Implementation Plan 2016

The intention of the strategy is to provide a sound statistical basis from which to design a strategy that talks to the municipality’s commitment, as expressed in its mission statement, to innovation and sustainable development (including carbon emissions reduction and economic development) and its energy vision of reliable, safe and affordable energy services for all (SEA, 2016).


Energy Scenarios for Urban South Africa: Exploring the implications of alternative energy futures up to 2050

Energy and emissions future scenarios were modelled for urban South Africa, based on energy data from 27 of the most highly urbanised municipalities in the country. The scenario modelling highlighted the largest emissions sources and energy-consuming sectors, and identified the mitigation measures that would have the most impact with regards to reducing energy consumption and emissions production. (SEA, 2016)


The Contribution of Low-Carbon Cities to South Africa’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Goals

This report explores South African cities’ commitments to urban GHG emissions reduction efforts and how these actions can boost economic activity, lower the environmental effects of sprawl and help cities overcome historical spatial distortions that impact impoverished communities. The report found a substantial decoupling of urban economic growth from energy and carbon intensity. (SEA, 2015)


Financing the Transition to a New Infrastructure Paradigm in Fast-Growing Secondary Cities: a Case Study of Saldanha Bay (Saldanha Bay)

This report focuses on the financing of green infrastructure, with Saldanha Bay as a case study. It covers (1) secondary cities and municipal sustainability, (2) gaps in current models of municipal infrastructure provision, (3) green infrastructure for municipal sustainability, (4) evaluating green municipal infrastructure, (5) implementing green municipal infrastructure – financing considerations and options, and (5) key recommendations and questions. (ICLEI, 2015)
