Cities are playing a vital role in the global response to climate change by curbing their greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the effects of a changing climate. Local governments are central to these efforts. Climate action plans are comprehensive roadmaps translating cities’ efforts into specific activities in order to achieve sustainable and low greenhouse gas emissions development. This includes climate adaptation actions and ensuring access to clean, secure and affordable energy.
Climate Action Planning

Cities are playing a vital role in the global response to climate change by curbing their greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the effects of a changing climate. Local governments are central to these efforts. Climate action plans are comprehensive roadmaps translating cities’ efforts into specific activities in order to achieve sustainable and low greenhouse gas emissions development. This includes climate adaptation actions and ensuring access to clean, secure and affordable energy.
Local electricity emissions factor calculator
This tool allows a municipality to calculate a local electricity emissions factor, based on sources of electricity, including Eskom (including Eskom power plants and electricity bought by Eskom from IPPs
206 KBDownloadThe Local Government Climate Change Support Programme in South Africa
This case study aims to capture the practical experiences of the support programme and uncover some key lessons for future initiatives with the aim to strengthen local climate action and
2 MBDownloadState of Energy in South African Cities 2020
This 4th edition of the Report features 20 of South Africa’s most energy intensive cities and towns and tracks energy use in cities since 2007, presenting emerging trends in energy efficiency and renewable energy uptake, and examines the governance of transition. (SEA, 2020).
20.42mbDownloadBuilding the Future Electricity System
The purpose of this presentation is to now discuss the renewable energy component and how this energy supply element can be incorporated into the South African New Buildings programme to reach Net Zero Carbon. The presentation highlights the critical elements of transitioning to a Renewable Energy (RE) future (Sustainable Energy Africa, 2020).
2.38MbDownloadCity-Wide Mitigation Potential for South Africa
This booklet represents a summary of the findings of a SEA report on the energy and emissions picture of the major urban centres in South Africa, and alternative energy and emissions futures scenario modelling. (SEA, 2015)
3,42mbDownloadClimate Change Bill: Sustainable Energy Africa Comments
On the 8th of June 2018, the Department of Environmental Affairs published the Climate Change Bill for comment. This document provides comments on the Bill by Sustainable Energy Africa (Sustainable Energy Africa, 2018).
0.47mbDownloadMulti-level climate governance in South Africa. Catalysing finance for local climate action
This study summarises the important progress South Africa has made in developing its policy and institutional architecture in response to climate change through the lens of multi-level governance and multi-stakeholder climate action (OneWorld, Sustainable Energy Africa and adelphi, 2018).
1.52mbDownloadSustainable Energy and Climate Change in Municipal IDPS 2017-2018
This report documents the results of a study to determine how many municipalities have incorporated sustainable energy and climate change elements and themes into their planning (Roberts and Mahlangu, 2018).
8.33mbDownloadTshwane Climate Response Strategy 2017
Tshwane Climate Response Strategy 2017 This strategy was drafted preceding the selection of Tshwane as part of the C40 Climate Action Planning programme; hence it was published in recognition of stakeholder consultation to date, but will be reviewed in order to align with the C40 Climate Action Planning Framework. (Tshwane, 2018)
1.32mbDownloadEnergy and Emissions Data Collection: A Guide for Developing Cities
his guide aims to assist developing cities that are still building their capacity to collect data for climate change action planning by focusing on the most important data sources and providing guidance on where and how to get this data (Sustainable Energy Africa, 2018)