City of Cape Town Communication Campaigns
A presentation done by the City of Cape Town on their Climate Change
4MBDownload#Tshwane Ya Tima Presentation
The presentation done by the City of Tshwane on their #Tshwane Ya Tima
544KBDownloadTomorrow Cities
This thought-provoking video describes the state of South Africa’s cities including energy, transport
42mbDownloadLocal electricity emissions factor calculator
This tool allows a municipality to calculate a local electricity emissions factor, based
206 KBDownloadBuilding the Future Electricity System
The purpose of this presentation is to now discuss the renewable energy component and how this energy supply element can be incorporated into the South African New Buildings programme to reach Net Zero Carbon. The presentation highlights the critical elements of transitioning to a Renewable Energy (RE) future (Sustainable Energy Africa, 2020).
2.38MbDownloadCity-Wide Mitigation Potential for South Africa
This booklet represents a summary of the findings of a SEA report on the energy and emissions picture of the major urban centres in South Africa, and alternative energy and emissions futures scenario modelling. (SEA, 2015)
3,42mbDownloadMulti-level climate governance in South Africa. Catalysing finance for local climate action
This study summarises the important progress South Africa has made in developing its policy and institutional architecture in response to climate change through the lens of multi-level governance and multi-stakeholder climate action (OneWorld, Sustainable Energy Africa and adelphi, 2018).
1.52mbDownloadEnergy and Emissions Data Collection: A Guide for Developing Cities
his guide aims to assist developing cities that are still building their capacity to collect data for climate change action planning by focusing on the most important data sources and providing guidance on where and how to get this data (Sustainable Energy Africa, 2018)
1.58mbDownloadSustainable Energy Solutions for South African Local Government: A Practical Guide
This is the third iteration of a practical how-to handbook for local municipalities on the roll-out of sustainable energy measures. The first section focuses on governance and legislation (e.g. mandates, green procurement, institutionalising of sustainable energy concerns, etc.); the second on municipal sustainable energy initiatives (e.g. solar water heating, efficient buildings, sustainable transport, etc.); and the third on macro developments (e.g. smart grids, concentrated solar, ocean energy, etc.). Interactive icons assist in skipping between chapters. (SEA, 2017)
19,95mbDownloadGuide to Energy and Emissions Data Collection for South African Municipalities
This document provides municipalities a detailed methodology to be able to conduct data collation data for a Greenhouse Gas Inventory (SEA, 2017)