Day: February 20, 2014




Municipal Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator

This tool can be used to provide a quick overview of energy consumption and emissions by fuel, and electricity consumption and emissions by sector within a municipal area. It also provides a summary of the potential impact of major electricity efficiency interventions. (SEA, 2014)


Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions

This Protocol provides requirements and guidance for cities on preparing and publicly reporting a greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inventory. The primary goal is to provide a standardized step-by-step approach to help cities quantify their GHG emissions in order to manage and reduce their GHG impacts. The Protocol is in a pilot phase, with the release of the final version expected in 2014. It replaces the International Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocol and the International Standard for Determining GHG Emissions for Cities. (C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group and ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, 2014)


SALGA Guideline on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Municipal Water and Wastewater Infrastructure

This Guideline provides a resource for municipal officials that addresses (1) the process in assessing and planning energy consumption reduction in water and wastewater infrastructure in a cost-effective manner, (2) how to choose the right energy efficiency technologies, and (3) cost-effective options for generating renewable energy from water and wastewater infrastructure. The guide is in draft format for comment by municipalities. (SALGA, 2014)


Solar PV Cost Benefit Analysis Spreadsheet Tool

This spreadsheet tool calculates the payback periods of solar PV installation if installed now, in 5 years or in 10 years time. Inputs include PV system cost, specifications and generation; building electricity use; electricity tariffs over time; discount rate and finance period, amongst others. The instructions on the use of this tool can be found in the “Guide on Municipal Revenue Impact from Renewable and Energy Efficiency Tools” available for download on this webpage. (Sustainable Energy Africa, 2014)
